Such services that you do not have to deal with


The satisfaction of your customers is based on the quality of services provided in your building. Telecommunication services are an important part of the functioning of companies and individuals today. Their development is fast and it is challenging for customers to constantly look for new and better solutions. The key to quality telco services is the good connection of the building to optical networks, the use of top technical equipment and the quality internal cabling. All this opens up the possibility of offering customers a comprehensive range of services. At each of these points, we can offer you the experience of our company. 

  • We will connect your building to the national and international optical network 
  • We offer cooperation on the construction or reconstruction of cabling in the building 
  • We can take over the newly built or existing cabling into our administration and relieve you of worries about operation, maintenance and development 

Complexity and openness

  • We offer complete services for end customers 
  • We are building a network open to other providers 
  • We supply connections for global operators, we will help them decide which building is well connected 
  • At Quantcom, we focus on the corporate segment, and our subsidiary Pe3Ny is a specialist in household services 

Would you like to order the connection or do you have any questions?

You can simply call or email us.
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