Connection to the cloud infrastructure of large providers


We provide you with secured access to the largest cloud services worldwide - Amazon, Google, Azure Microsoft, IBM, Alibaba, Oracle and others. 

  • Possibility to connect to AWS (Amazon), Google, Azure Microsoft, IBM, Alibaba, Oracle and others 
  • Dedicated private connection to the selected cloud 
  • The feasibility to connect to any world destination  

Technical details

  • Private communication with the cloud, data is not sent via the Internet
  • Scalability of speeds from 100 mbit /s to 10 gbps, or multiples of x * 10 gbps
  • Possible savings on fees paid to the cloud provider (e.g. amazon aws)

Connection points

Cloud provider Europe America Asia Australia

Amazon Web Service (AWS)

Frankfurt, Paris, London

San Jose, Ashburn, Seattle, Chicago, Miami

Singapur, Hong Kong, Soul, Tokio


Google Cloud

Frankfurt, Stockholm, London

Ashburn, Atlanta, New York, Dallas, Chicago, Miami, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Jose

Hong Kong, Singapur, Osaka, Taipei, Toki


Microsoft Azure


Chicago, Ashburm

Hong Kong, Singapur

IBM Cloud

Frankfurt, London

San Jose

Hong Kong, Tokio, Singapur


Alibaba Cloud

Ashburn, Reston

Singapur, Hong Kong

Tencent Cloud

Hong Kong


On request

On request

On request

On request

Would you like to order the connection or do you have any questions?

You can simply call or email us.
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