Dial Telecom, one of the four largest owners of optical networks in the Czech Republic, is now called Quantcom
(Prague - January 5, 2022) Dial Telecom, a nationwide telecommunications operator providing data, hosting and ICT services using its own optical network, has been rebranded. It has been called Quantcom since 1 January. It alsomeans that there is now a sole operator on the Czech market that specializes exclusively in services for companies and wholesale partners.
The new brand and visual identity will be accompanied by a marketing campaign across the media. Another novelty is that Quantcom, as part of its strategy, will allocate all household services to its subsidiary Pe3ny Net. Business and supplier relationships with other clients will not be affected by these changes.
Who is Quantcom?
Dial Telecom / Quantcom operates a network of about 4,700 kilometres of optical fibres. Part of this infrastructure is the Central European backbone network throughout the Czech Republic, connecting
Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany and Austria. This network is further connected to the optical metropolitan networks that the company owns in Prague, Brno and other regional cities. This is the shortest possible connection of end customers in the Czech Republic with major telecommunications exchanges.
The company belongs to the four largest owners of optical infrastructure in the Czech Republic - together with the companies Cetin, T-Mobile and Vodafone. Quantcom is even the number one player in arranging data flows through the Czech Republic.
"Our network is actually an infrastructure river through which our foreign partners, such as the world's largest Internet and technology companies, come to the Czech Republic with their services. And thanks to optical networks in cities, we connect other thousands of corporate customers. For them, there is actually no shorter and more reasonable way to bypass extensions and resale,” says Tomáš Strašák, Member of the Board of Directors and Sales Director.
Why is Dial Telecom changing its name?
“We want to break away from the past, when we had various targets. We want to be identified much more easily, we want our name to express that we provide telecommunications services and that we are professionals. The name Dial Telecom no longer fulfils this purpose, because dial means to call a phone number by turning a dial. This refers to the ancient beginnings of our company, and dial-up Internet is now more for old-timers," explains the Sales Director.
The advantage of Quantcom's services is that it is the only telecommunications company in the local market that focuses exclusively on corporate (B2B) customers. It places them mainly on its own optical network and thus has control over the entire connection structure and its quality. The advantage of an optical network in general is its almost unlimited capacity and stability, as it is not subject to the environment, weather or interference.
"We offer corporate customers the consultation, technical support and flexibility that is not common with other operators. This is because we have processes set up right for this type of customers. For example, we do not have mobile customers, which is why we are able to deal with the customer immediately and resolve his issues. Companies that serve the mass market actually have a clash of interest in prioritising troubleshooting,” Strašák points out.
About the company:
Dial Telecom was founded in Prague in 2000 by a group of managers from the former telecommunications company Globix. Originally, the company focused mainly on trading in voice services. Over the years, it has become a group building its own optical infrastructure, focusing on data services and the Internet for companies. It currently has more than ten thousand customers, including companies such as Skanska, DM drogerie markt and Axa Assistance. Almost half of the companies trading on the Prague Stock Exchange are among its customers.
The company is also a very important player in the wholesale data capacity market and in data transmission across Central Europe. For example, three of the world's four largest technology companies use its services.
Dial Telecom has around 150 employees. In 2020, the entire group reported a consolidated EBITDA of 318 million Czech crowns, the best result in its history.
Network building and acquisitions:
Dial Telecom has become a more significant infrastructure player thanks to, among other things, acquisitions. In the first decade of this millennium, for example, the company bought the operator InWay and later the company net4net, which separated from the former TransgasNet. It also acquired the Czech part of Telekom Austria, operating the Volný brand.
In the second decade, Dial Telecom bought the Brno infrastructure operator Maxprogres telco and a minority stake in ČD Telematika (which it later sold). In 2016, the operator Pe3ny Net in Prague and Matrigo in Velké Meziříčí were added. The company now wants to put all household services into Pe3ny Net as part of a new strategy.
Contact for media:
For further information, please contact Eva Hrubešová, Marketing & PR, tel .: 724 631 232
Our experts are happy to provide comments to the media:
Cybersecurity, protection against DDoS attacks: Zbyněk Pospíchal, Network Architect
Innovation in telecommunications: Marek Šťastný, Technical Director
The future of optical networks: Pavel Kvíčala, Manager of the Construction and Maintenance Department of Access Networks, Deputy Technical Director
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